KOKO Coffee Roasters
KOKO Coffee Roasters 為本土咖啡店 CoCo Espresso 的延伸品牌。 過往十年的日子裡,我們用心為每位顧客沖煮出優質的咖啡, 藉由每杯咖啡為他們的生活打氣。 由上環走到中環,灣仔走到葵涌,再從手沖咖啡到自家烘焙, 在這裡我們回歸本真以 KOKO Coffee Roasters 繼續探究更高水平的咖啡標準,藉著專業的烘焙技術,以及原產地直送的當季咖啡, 提供給顧客更完整的咖啡體驗,讓每一口都能嚐到咖啡農的辛勞與我們匠心的結合。
KOKO Coffee Roasters is an extension of the local coffee brand Coco Espresso, KOKO Coffee Roasters will continue to serve every customer with heart, passion and the finest coffee, like we did in the past decade. Regardless of our location and offerings, KOKO Coffee Roasters remains true to our original aspirations, which is to provide a complete coffee experience to our customers by the freshest farm direct coffee beans and outstanding roasting technique. While exploring higher coffee standards, we ensure that the farmers' efforts and our craftmanship will be manifested in every sip of our coffee.